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For further information about our range of Prestige Furniture please enter your details in the form below to get access to instant pricing and the opportunity to have the information package posted out to you.

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“What’s The Process To Order From Prestige Furniture Wholesale ?”

Service and providing accurate advice always comes first at Prestige Furniture Wholesale . We do everything we can to make the process of ordering our furniture as time efficient and uncomplicated for you as possible.

Some customers have an urgent need and want to know what the process of ordering a furniture from us today is, and other are just doing their due diligence.

Prestige Furniture Wholesale  has multiple lines of communication so ordering your furniture and answering any questions you have is easy.

For more information about the process of ordering furniture from Prestige Furniture Wholesale please contact us using the details below:

1. Phone: 0412059972

2. Email us at: office@prestigefurniturewholesale.com.au

3. Or complete the form on this page for a FREE price and product guide


Yes, please register me for my complimentary price guide. I understand I also have the option to have this posted to me by entering my details on the next page. I understand the price guide will detail the different packages available from Prestige Furniture Wholesale.

For further information about our range of products and prices, please enter your details in the form above or below to get access to instant pricing and the opportunity to have the information package posted out to you.

Leading Wholesaler Register for your free Prestige Furniture Wholesale information pack to discover more!

For further information about our range of Prestige Furniture please enter your details in the form below to get access to instant pricing and the opportunity to have the information package posted out to you.

Your details will not be shared with anybody

Prestige Furniture Wholesale. . ABN: 61629873525