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Occasional Chair

Oak wood , Linen Fabric : Dimensions are 680mm x 690mm x 950mm Colour can be customized
Oak wood Linen Fabric : dimensions are 750mm X 620mm X 1230mm Colour can be customized.
Oak wood Linen Fabric :dimensions are 700mm X 700mm X 720mm , Colour can be customized.
Oak wood , Linen Fabric : dimensions are 787mm X 787mm X 1040mm colour can be customized.
Oak wood , Linen Fabric : Dimensions are 794mm X 864mm X 895mm

Dining Chair.

Oak wood , Linen Fabric : Dimensions are 460mm X 570mm x 970mm
Oak wood , Linen Fabric : Dimensions are 460mm X 570mm x 970mm
Oak wood , Linen Fabric : Dimensions are 510mm X 600mm x 1110mm

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Leading Wholesaler Register for your free Prestige Furniture Wholesale information pack to discover more!

For further information about our range of Prestige Furniture please enter your details in the form below to get access to instant pricing and the opportunity to have the information package posted out to you.

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Prestige Furniture Wholesale. . ABN: 61629873525